Injective symmetry classes

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Injective symmetry classes

  Such an is injective if and only if the mapping described in the first item of gif is injective and corresponding cyclic factors of and have the same length. The number of such mappings is

while the second item of gif says that we have to multiply this number by in order to get the number of fixed points of on . Thus we have proved

. Corollary   The number of fixed points of on is

and hence, by restriction, the numbers of fixed points of and of are:

An application of the Cauchy-Frobenius Lemma yields the desired number of injective symmetry classes:

. Theorem   The number of injective -classes is

so that we obtain by restriction the number of injective -classes

and the number of injective -classes

Try to compute the number of injective symmetry classes for various group actions.


E .   is called - fold transitive   if and only if the corresponding action of on the set of of injective mapping is transitive:

Prove that, in case of a transitive action , this is equivalent to:

E .   Prove that is divisible by if is finite and -fold transitive.

E .   Show that is -fold transitive on while is -fold transitive on , but not -fold transitive, for

Herr Fripertinger
Sun Feb 05 18:28:26 MET 1995