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3. Bounds on pmax(b)
pmax(1)=0 and pmax(2)=1 were mentioned in the introduction. For bigger bases there are only lower bounds. N.J.A. Sloane conjunctures that pmax(b) is finite. Now we examine the first few bases and the appropriate pmax(b)-values.

To strength the conjucture of N.J.A. Sloane, we conjucture that for every base b there is a m(b), so that all n>=m(b), without a 1 in the b-adic representation, yield to p(n,b)=2.

3.1 pmax(3)=3 ?
3.2 pmax(4)=3 ?
3.3 pmax(5)=6 ?
3.4 pmax(6)=5 ?
3.5 pmax(7)=8 ?
3.6 pmax(8)=6 ?
3.7 pmax(9)=7 ?
3.8 pmax(10)=11 ?

4. Behaviour of pmax(b)

Last Update: by Sascha Kurz