The resonance structure of C60 Some numerical examples using SYMMETRICA All different colourings of fullerenes with k colours Some multi-dimensional cycle indices

Some multi-dimensional cycle indices

In SYMMETRICA the multi-dimensional cycle indices of C20 and C60 are implemented. For C20 there is a 3-dimensional cycle index for the action on the sets of vertices, edges and faces. For the C60 the cycle index is 6-dimensional for the action on the sets of vertices, pentagonal and hexagonal edges, pentagonal and hexagonal faces and diagonals. We want to compute the number of all possibilities to colour simultaniously vertices, faces, edges etc. of a fullerene with k1,k2.... colours.
Please determine whether to colour C20 or C60. Please input the VECTOR of numbers of colours. (For instance colouring C20 with 2 colours for the vertices, 3 colours for the edges and 1 colour for the vertices must be input as [2,3,1]. You must take care that these vectors are of length 3 or 6 for C20 or C60 respectively. For C60 the first number gives the number of colours for vertices, the second number the number of colours of pentagonal edges and so on.) These numbers are computed by using the routine polya_multi_const_sub.

For starting computation, press the button .

harald.fripertinger "at", May 10, 2016

The resonance structure of C60 Some numerical examples using SYMMETRICA All different colourings of fullerenes with k colours Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online Some multi-dimensional cycle indices Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!