Some multi-dimensional cycle indices Some numerical examples using SYMMETRICA Number of different colourings of fullerenes All different colourings of fullerenes with k colours

All different colourings of fullerenes with k colours

In this section we compute all the possibilities to colour a fullerene with k colours.
Please determine which group is acting? Where does this group act on? Which fullerene Cv to investigate. (Please enter only even v such that 24≤ v≤ 60, or v=20,70,80.) For v=40 or v=44 you further have to specify whether to use the D or T symmetry.

Furthermore please determine which representation - the standard or the alternating representation - of the group you are interested in. The alternating representation can be used to compute the number of chiral colourings of fullerenes.

Finally you have to input the number k of different colours. For computing these numbers we used the SYMMETRICA routines polya_sub or polya_n_sub.



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harald.fripertinger "at", May 10, 2016

Some multi-dimensional cycle indices Some numerical examples using SYMMETRICA Number of different colourings of fullerenes Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online All different colourings of fullerenes with k colours Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!