Title: Computing high degree genus-0 Belyi maps with prescribed monodromy Abstract: The explicit calculation of three-branch-point covers (also called Belyi maps) with prescribed monodromy is generally considered to be quite challenging. Having a tool to deal with this topological problem would lead to several impactful applications in different fields of mathematics. In this talk I will establish its connections to the Inverse Galois problem and describe a recently developed method by Barth/W. that allows the explicit computation of high degree genus-0 Belyi maps with prescribed monodromy groups. The main computational results include the explicit realization of Belyi maps with almost simple primitive monodromy groups that satisfy the well known rational rigidity criterion (yielding polynomials with prescribed Galois groups over Q(t)) and an explicit version of a theorem of Magaard which lists all sporadic groups occurring as composition factors of monodromy groups of rational functions.