Rnk4: Number of the isometry classes of all indecomposable projective quaternary (n,k)-codes (without zero-columns) Tables for codes over GF(4) Tnk4: Number of the isometry classes of all projective quaternary (n,r)-codes for 1 <= r <= k (without zero-columns) Snk4: Number of the isometry classes of all projective quaternary (n,k)-codes (without zero-columns)

Snk4: Number of the isometry classes of all projective quaternary (n,k)-codes (without zero-columns)

n\k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0
5 0 1 4 3 1 0 0 0
6 0 0 8 10 4 1 0 0
7 0 0 10 35 19 5 1 0
8 0 0 13 136 122 33 6 1
9 0 0 17 657 1320 376 52 7
10 0 0 19 3849 25619 11632 1057 79
11 0 0 19 23456 645751 845949 95960 2813
12 0 0 17 138200 16.822798 81.806606 25.058580 750713
13 0 0 13 761039 418.686704 8140.667601 8935.079862 682.688753
14 0 0 10 3.880522 9757.619492 775867.907732 3.317031.738218 887769.420185
15 0 0 8 18.294487 212356.023661 69.608988.504682 1188.156545.352085 1225.457114.452997
16 0 0 5 79.884393 4.324364.325987 5866.545477.361639 402824.242293.156876 1.646690.368345.597750
17 0 0 3 323.922715 82.656563.598884 465371.337968.846503 128.876144.128834.834992 2105.268744.108324.390609
18 0 0 2 1223.091788 1487.726907.561588 34.847717.443512.158622 38965.296608.277082.280167 2.549846.040560.600215.462753
19 0 0 1 4311.839430 25290.829421.058624 2470.448907.990450.018140 11.161512.263255.300041.612255 2928.221572.784959.108105.586092
20 0 0 1 14226.938873 407179.417034.225521 166259.823398.434050.363077 3036.969370.235091.904013.992136 3.195258.745574.411025.918593.786635
21 0 0 1 44032.002653 6.224012.495357.831799 10.648519.992011.342240.085801 786858.632418.485213.651288.480169 3320.697371.396846.940393.179519.335336
22 0 0 0 128086.701653 90.531009.420114.869599 650.527308.404661.102448.158261 194.568289.021119.501671.989556.013087 3.294107.263453.044402.052998.164297.716495
23 0 0 0 350835.674240 1255.625331.841492.081538 37985.130281.812286.310204.196547 46011.144922.132998.193377.342394.031176 3125.528496.079367.488463.693202.333847.767256
24 0 0 0 906308.809061 16637.033670.999776.876665 2.124001.742094.243919.426599.890908 10.425356.975783.566828.274777.351346.040562 2.841885.186997.620728.487915.032279.425595.088621
25 0 0 0 2.211367.891693 210957.577654.155997.605415 113.931451.478970.261334.928618.724257 2267.306538.395323.138861.089209.122020.990272 2480.510685.501594.812711.704802.536374.614630.422475

harald.fripertinger "at" uni-graz.at, May 10, 2016

Rnk4: Number of the isometry classes of all indecomposable projective quaternary (n,k)-codes (without zero-columns) Tables for codes over GF(4) Tnk4: Number of the isometry classes of all projective quaternary (n,r)-codes for 1 <= r <= k (without zero-columns) Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online Snk4: Number of the isometry classes of all projective quaternary (n,k)-codes (without zero-columns) Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!