Title: Computing the Cassels-Tate Pairing on 2-Selmer Groups of Jacobians of Genus Two Curves Abstract: Let $J$ be the Jacobian variety of a genus two curve defined over a number field $K$. We are interested in computing the Cassels-Tate pairing $\langle \; , \; \rangle_{CT}$ on $\text{Sel}^2(J) \times \text{Sel}^2(J)$ following the homogeneous space definition of the pairing. For $\epsilon, \eta \in \text{Sel}^2(J)$, we give a computable formula with a practical algorithm for $\langle \epsilon, \eta \rangle_{CT}$ both in the case where all points in $J[2]$ are defined over $K$ and in the case where the twisted Kummer surface $\mathcal{K}_{\eta}$ has a $K$-rational point. In both cases, we calculate examples for which computing the Cassels-Tate pairing improves the rank bound of $J$ obtained by carrying out standard descent calculations. We also give techniques to reduce the degree of the number field needed in the algorithm for computation.