© OLGEN | exit | by Joachim Braun and Christoph Rücker |
· TodCon
: Todeschini, R.; Consonni, V. Handbook
of Molecular Descriptors, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim and
· Trin:
Trinajstić, N. Chemical Graph Theory,
2nd edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1992
A, A (incl. H) and N_H are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: , and
is the number of atoms
excluding H atoms. is the number of atoms
including H atoms. is the number of H
A (incl. H) see 0.
N_H see 0.
rel. N_H, rel. N_C, rel. N_O, rel. N_N, rel. N_S, rel. N_F, rel. N_Cl, rel. N_Br, rel. N_I and rel. N_P are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: , , , , , , , , and
Relative means divided by the number of atoms (inclusive H
Correspondingly , , , , , , , , and .
N_C, N_O, N_N, N_S, N_F, N_Cl, N_Br, N_I and N_P are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: , , , , , , , and
is the number of C atoms in a molecule.
Correspondingly , , , , , , and .
rel. N_C see 3.
N_O see 4.
rel. N_O see 3.
N_N see 4.
rel. N_N see 3.
N_S see 4.
rel. N_S see 3.
N_F see 4.
rel. N_F see 3.
N_Cl see 4.
rel. N_Cl see 3.
N_Br see 4.
rel. N_Br see 3.
N_I see 4.
rel. N_I see 3.
N_P see 4.
rel. N_P see 3.
B and B (incl. H) are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: ,
is the number of bonds in the H-suppressed molecule. is the number of bonds in a molecule containing H atoms.
B (incl. H) see 22.
loc. B and loc. B (incl. H) are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: and
is the number of localized bonding electron pairs in an H-suppressed molecule. Aromatic π-electrons are delocalized and therefore not counted here.
is analogous to but includes bonds to H atoms.
loc. B (incl. H) see 24.
n- and n- (incl. H) are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: and
is the number of single bonds in an H-suppressed molecule. is analogous to but includes bonds to H atoms.
rel. n- and rel n- (incl. H) are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: and
rel. n- is relative to the number of bonds of an H-suppressed molecule:
Analogous is:
For see 26, for see 22, for see 28 and for see 23.
n- (incl. H) see 26.
rel. n- (incl. H) see 27.
n=, n# and n aromatic are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: , and
is the number of double bonds, the number of triple bonds and is the number of aromatic bonds.
rel. n=, rel. n= (incl. H) , rel. n#, rel. n# (incl. H), rel. n aromatic and rel. n aromatic (incl. H) are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: , , , , and
is relative to the number of bonds in an H-suppressed molecule. is relative to the number of bonds in a molecule with H atoms.
Correspondingly , , and .
rel. n= (incl. H) see 31.
n# see 30.
rel. n# see 31.
rel. n# (incl. H) see 31.
n aromatic see 30.
rel. n aromatic see 31.
rel. n aromatic (incl. H) see 31.
C is a descriptor of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text:
For molecules (connected graphs) is defined as:
MW and MW (incl. H) are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: and
is the sum of the atomic weights in an H-suppressed molecule. The atomic weight is that of the natural abundance isotope mixture. takes account of the H atoms.
· TodCon,
page 332
mean AW and mean AW (incl. H) are descriptors of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text: and
mean AW is defined as:
Analogous :
For and see 40 and 42. For and see 0 and 1.
MW (incl. H) see 40.
mean AW (incl. H)
see 41.
W is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
W is the half-sum of the entries of the distance-matrix of the H-suppressed molecule:
where is the number of non-H atoms and is the entry in the ith row and the jth column of the distance matrix.
For see 0 and for see distance matrix.
· Wiener, H. Structural Determination of Paraffin Boiling Points. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1947, 69, 17-20
· TodCon, page 497
M_1 is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is the sum over the squares of the vertex degree of each atom in an H-suppressed molecule:
where is the number of non-H atoms and is the number of neighbours of atom i in an H-suppressed molecule.
For see 0. For see vertex degree.
· Gutman,
· TodCon, page 509
· Trin,
page 226
M_2 is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is the following sum over all edges:
where is the number of neighbours of atom i in an H-suppressed molecule.
For see vertex degree.
· Gutman,
· TodCon, page 509
· Trin,
page 226
m^M_1 and m^M_2 are descriptors of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text: and
is the sum over the squares of the reciprocal vertex degree of each atom in an H-suppressed molecule:
is defined as the following sum over all edges:
where is the number of non-H atoms and is the number of neighbours of atom i in an H-suppressed molecule. stands for modified.
For see 0. For see vertex degree.
· Nikolić,
S.; Kovačević, G.; Miličević, A.; Trinajstić, N. The
m^M_2 see 47.
0^Chi is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
This is the zeroth descriptor in the series m^Chi with m = 1, 2, 3, …
Notation in text:
The definition of :
where is the number of non H-atoms and is the number of neighbours of atom i in an H-suppressed molecule.
For see 0. For see vertex degree.
The definition of :
with . The sum runs over all paths of length (this is the number of edges of the path). is the number of the atoms in a path . The product runs over all atoms of path . is the vertex degree of the ith atom in path .
For see vertex degree.
· Randić, M. On Characterization of Molecular Branching. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1975, 97, 6609-6615
· Kier, L. B.; Murray, W. J.; Randić, M.; Hall, L. H. Molecular Connectivity V: Connectivity Series Applied to Density. J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 1226-1230
· Kier,
L. B.; Hall L. H. The Nature of Structure-Activity Relationships and their
Relation to Molecular Connectivity. Eur.
J. Med. Chem., 1977, 12, 307-312
· Kier,
L. B.; Hall L. H. Molecular Connectivity
in Structure-Activity Analysis. Research-Studies Press - Wiley,
· TodCon,
pages 84-85
· Trin,
page 226
1^Chi see 49.
2^Chi see 49.
0^Chi^s is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is the zeroth member in the series m^Chi^s with m = 1, 2, 3, …
Notation in text:
The definition of :
where is the number of non-H atoms and is the number of neighbours of atom i in an H-suppressed molecule. is the principal quantum number of atom i (for C, N, O, F: =2; for Si, P, S, Cl: =3).
For see 0. For see vertex degree.
The definition of :
with . The sum runs over all paths of length (this is the number of edges in the path). is the number of the atoms in a path . The product runs over all atoms in path . is the vertex degree of the ith atom in path . is the principal quantum number of atom i in path .
For see vertex degree.
· Zefirov,
N. S.; Palyulin, V. A. QSAR for Boiling Points of “Small” Sulfides. Are the
“High-Quality Structure-Property-Activity Regressions” the Real High Quality
QSAR Models? J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.
2001, 41, 1022-1027
· TodCon,
pages 88-89
1^Chi^s see 52.
2^Chi^s see 52.
3^Chi^s see 52.
3^Chi^s (cluster) is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The definition of is:
The sum runs over all clusters of size 3:
The product runs over all four atoms of cluster . is the vertex degree of the ith atom in cluster . is the principal quantum number of atom i in cluster .
For see vertex degree.
· TodCon,
pages 88-89
0^Chi^v is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is the zeroth member of the series m^Chi with m = 1, 2, 3, …
Notation in text:
The definition of :
where is the number of non-H atoms and is the valence vertex degree of atom i in an H-suppressed molecule.
For see 0. For see valence vertex degree.
The definition of :
with . The sum runs over all paths of length (this is the number of edges of the path). is the number of atoms in a path . The product runs over all atoms of path .
For see valence vertex degree.
· Kier, L. B.; Murray, W. J.; Randić, M.; Hall, L. H. Molecular Connectivity V: Connectivity Series Applied to Density. J. Pharm. Sci., 1976, 65, 1226-1230
· Kier,
L. B.; Hall L. H. The Nature of Structure-Activity Relationships and Their
Relation to Molecular Connectivity. Eur.
J. Med. Chem. 1977, 12, 307-312
· TodCon,
pages 85-86
· Trin,
page 229
1^Chi^v see 57.
· Kier,
L. B.; Hall L. H. Derivation and Significance of
· TodCon,
pages 85-86
· Trin,
page 229
2^Chi^v see 57.
3^Chi^v see 57.
1^kappa is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms and is the number of bonds in an H-suppressed molecular graph.
· Kier,
L. B. Shape Indexes of Orders One and Three from Molecular Graphs. Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 1986, 5, 1-7
· Kier,
L. B. Indexes of Molecular Shape from Chemical Graphs. Acta Pharm. Jugosl. 1986,
36, 171-188
· TodCon, pages 248-249
2^kappa is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms and is the number of paths of length 2 in an H-suppressed molecular graph.
For see 0.
· Kier,
L. B. A Shape Index from Molecular Graphs. Quant.
Struct.-Act. Relat. 1985, 4, 109-116
· Kier,
L. B. Indexes of Molecular Shape from Chemical Graphs. Acta Pharm. Jugosl. 1986,
36, 171-188
· TodCon, pages 248-249
3^kappa is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms and is the number of paths of length 3 in an H-suppressed molecular graph.
For see 0.
· Kier,
L. B. Shape Indexes of Orders One and Three from Molecular Graphs. Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 1986, 5, 1-7
· Kier,
L. B. Indexes of Molecular Shape from Chemical Graphs. Acta Pharm. Jugosl. 1986,
36, 171-188
· TodCon, pages 248-249
Phi_non-alpha is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms. , are the Kier shape indices 1 and 2.
For and see 61 and 62. For see 0.
No source! Definition is analogous to 68 without modifying alpha.
1^kappa_alpha is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms and is the number of bonds in an H-suppressed molecular graph. is derived from the covalent radius of each atom.
For see alpha. For see 0. For see 22.
· Kier, L. B. Distinguishing Atom Differences in a Molecular Graph Shape Index. Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 1986, 5, 7-12
· Kier,
L. B. Shape Indexes of Orders One and Three from Molecular Graphs. Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 1986, 5, 1-7
· Kier,
L. B. Indexes of Molecular Shape from Chemical Graphs. Acta Pharm. Jugosl. 1986,
36, 171-188
· TodCon, pages 249-250
2^kappa_alpha is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms and is the number of paths of length 2 in an H-suppressed molecular graph. is derived from the covalent radius of each atom.
· Kier, L. B. Distinguishing Atom Differences in a Molecular Graph Shape Index. Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 1986, 5, 7-12
· Kier,
L. B. Indexes of Molecular Shape from Chemical Graphs. Acta Pharm. Jugosl. 1986,
36, 171-188
· TodCon, pages 249-250
3^kappa_alpha is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms and is the number of paths of length 3 in an H-suppressed molecular graph. is derived from the covalent radius of each atom.
· Kier,
L. B. Shape Indexes of Orders One and Three from Molecular Graphs. Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 1986, 5, 1-7
· Kier,
L. B. Indexes of Molecular Shape from Chemical Graphs. Acta Pharm. Jugosl. 1986,
36, 171-188
· TodCon, pages 249-250
Phi is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms. , are the Kier alpha-modified shape indices 1 and 2. is derived from the covalent radius of each atom.
For and see 65 and 66. For see 0.
· Kier,
L. B. An Index of Molecular Flexibility from Kappa Shape Attributes. Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 1989, 8, 221-224
· TodCon, page 178
F is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of neighbours of atom i. The sum runs over all edges in an H-suppressed molecular graph.
· Platt, J. R. Influence of Neighbor Bonds on Additive Bond Properties in Paraffins. J. Chem. Phys. 1947, 15, 419-420
· Platt,
J. R. Prediction of Isomeric Differences in Paraffin Properties. J. Phys. Chem. 1952, 56, 328-336
· TodCon, page 125
· Trin,
page 245
N_GS is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is the number of path subgraphs of length 2 in an H-suppressed molecular graph.
· TodCon, page 125
· Trin,
J is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of bonds and is the cyclomatic number. is the ith vertex distance degree. The sum runs over all edges of an H-suppressed molecular graph.
For see 22. For see 39. For see vertex distance degree.
· Balaban,
A. T. Highly Discriminating Distance-Based Topological Index. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1982, 89, 399-404
· Balaban, A. T. Topological Indices Based on Topological Distances in Molecular Graphs. Pure Appl. Chem. 1983, 55, 199-206
· TodCon, page 21
· Trin,
page 246
J_unsat is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of bonds and is the cyclomatic number. is the ith vertex unsaturated distance degree, i.e. the row sum in the unsaturated distance matrix.
For see 22. For see 39. For see vertex unsaturated distance degree.
· Balaban,
A. T. Highly Discriminating Distance-Based Topological Index. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1982, 89, 399-404
· Balaban,
A. T.; Filip, P. Computer Program For Topological Index J. MATCH – Commun. Math. Comp. Chem. 1984, 16, 163
MTI is descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is defined for an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the adjacence matrix (here not the descriptor : number of atoms), is the distance matrix, the number of atoms, the second descriptor , is the vertex degree of the ith atom and is the first Zagreb index. The letter specifies the transposition of a vector or a matrix: in a symmetric matrix.
For see adjacence matrix, for see distance matrix, for see 74, for see vertex degree, for see 45.
· Schultz,
H. P. Topological Organic Chemistry. 1. Graph Theory and Topological Indices of
Alkanes. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1989, 29, 227-228
· Schultz, H. P.; Schultz, T. P. Topological Organic Chemistry. 6. Graph Theory and Molecular Topological Indices of Cycloalkanes. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1993, 33, 240-244
· TodCon, page 381 (The formula given there is incorrect.)
· Trin,
page 257
MTI' is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is defined for an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the adjacence matrix (here not the descriptor : number of atoms), is the distance matrix, the number of atoms, is the vertex degree of the ith atom, is the vertex distance degree of the ith atom. The letter specifies the transposition of a vector or a matrix: in a symmetric matrix.
For see adjacency matrix, for see distance matrix, for see vertex degree and for see vertex distance degree.
· Müller, W. R.; Szymanski, K.; Knop, J. v.; Trinajstić, N. Molecular Topological Indices. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1990, 30, 160-163
· Mihalić, Z.; Nikolić, S; Trinajstić, N. Comparative Study of Molecular Descriptors Derived from the Distance Matrix. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1992, 32, 28-37
· TodCon,
page 381
H is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The sums run over all pairs of atoms in an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the number of non-H atoms and is the entry in the ith row and the jth column of the distance matrix.
For see 0 and for see distance matrix.
· Ivanciuc, O.; Balaban, T.-S.; Balaban, A. T. Design of Topological Indices. Part 4. Reciprocal Distance Matrix, Related Local Vertex Invariants and Topological Indices. J. Math. Chem. 1993, 12, 309-318
· Plavsić, D.; Nikolić, S; Trinajstić, N.; Mihalić, Z. On the Harary Index for the Characterization of Chemical Graphs. J. Math. Chem. 1993, 12, 235-250
· Lucić, B.; Milicević, A.; Nikolić, S; Trinajstić, N. Harary Index – Twelve Years Later. Croat. Chem. Acta 2002, 75, 847-867
· TodCon,
pages 209-210
twc is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The sum runs over all lengths (from length to length ) of walks in an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the number of atoms and is the molecular walk count of length k.
For see 77-83.
· Rücker, G.; Rücker, C. Counts of All Walks as Atomic and Molecular Descriptors. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1993, 33, 683-695
· Rücker, G.; Rücker, C. Walk Counts, Labyrinthicity, and Complexity of Acyclic and Cyclic Graphs and Molecules. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 2000, 40, 99-106
· Gutman,
· Nikolić,
S; Trinajstić, N.; Tolić,
· TodCon,
pages 480-482
mwc2, mwc3, mwc4, mwc5, mwc6, mwc7 and mwc8 are descriptors of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text: ; e.g.:
The sums run over all atoms in an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the kth power of the adjacency matrix (here not the descriptor : number of atoms) and the number of atoms.
Remark: is equal to the number of atoms, is equal to .
For see adjacency matrix, for see 22.
· Rücker, G.; Rücker, C. Counts of All Walks as Atomic and Molecular Descriptors. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1993, 33, 683-695
· Rücker, G.; Rücker, C. Walk Counts, Labyrinthicity, and Complexity of Acyclic and Cyclic Graphs and Molecules. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 2000, 40, 99-106
· Gutman, I.; Rücker, C.; Rücker, G. On Walks in Molecular Graphs J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 2001, 41, 739-745
· Nikolić,
S; Trinajstić, N.; Tolić,
· TodCon,
pages 480-482
twc_unsat is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The sum runs over all lengths (from length to length ) of walks in an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the number of atoms and is the molecular walk count of length derived from the “unsaturated” adjacency matrix, i. e. a matrix with entries for multiple bonds.
For see 85-91. See also unsaturated adjacency matrix.
· No
source. Definition is analogous to 76.
mwc2_unsat, mwc3_unsat, mwc4_unsat, mwc5_unsat, mwc6_unsat, mwc7_unsat and mwc8_unsat are descriptors of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text: ; e.g.:
The sums run over all atoms in an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the kth power of the unsaturated adjacency matrix with entries for multiple bonds, and is the number of atoms.
For see unsaturated adjacency matrix, for see 22.
· No
source. Definition is analogous to 77-83.
G_1 (topo. dist.) is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The sum runs over all pairs of atoms in an H-suppressed molecular graph.
where is the average weight of atom i (expressed in amu, i.e. 12.0110 for carbon) and is the entry in the ith row and the jth column of the distance matrix. is the number of atoms.
For see distance matrix. For see 0.
· No
source. Definition is analogous to 96 with topological
G_1 (topo. dist.,incl. H) is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The sum runs over all pairs of atoms in a molecular graph containing H atoms.
where is the average weight of atom i and is the entry in the ith row and the jth column of the distance matrix. is the number of atoms.
For see distance matrix. For see 0.
· No
source. Definition is analogous to 97 with topological
G_2 (topo. dist.) is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The sum runs over all edges of an H-suppressed molecular graph.
where is the average weight of atom .
· No
source. Definition is analogous to 98 with topological
G_2 (topo. dist.,incl. H) is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The sum runs over all edges of a molecular graph containing H atoms.
where is the average weight of atom .
· No
source. Definition is analogous to 99 with topological
G_1 is a descriptor of the category 'geometrical'.
The sum runs over all pairs of an H-suppressed molecular graph.
where is the average weight of atom and is the interatomic distance (expressed in Ångström Å) of atom i and atom j. is the number of atoms.
For see 0.
· Katritzky,
A. R.; Mu L.; Lobanov, V. S.; Karelson, M. Correlation of Boiling Points with
Molecular Structure. 1. A Training Set of 298 Diverse Organics and a Test Set
of 9 Simple Inorganics. J. Phys. Chem.
1996, 100, 10400-10407
· TodCon,
page 412
G_1 (incl. H) is a descriptor of the category 'geometrical'.
The sum runs over all pairs of atoms in a molecular graph containing H atoms.
where is the average weight of atom and is the interatomic distance (expressed in Ångström Å) of atom i and atom j. is the number of atoms.
For see 0.
· Katritzky,
A. R.; Mu L.; Lobanov, V. S.; Karelson, M. Correlation of Boiling Points with
Molecular Structure. 1. A Training Set of 298 Diverse Organics and a Test Set
of 9 Simple Inorganics. J. Phys. Chem.
1996, 100, 10400-10407
· TodCon,
page 412
G_2 is a descriptor of the category 'geometrical'.
The sum runs over all edges of an H-suppressed molecular graph.
where is the average weight of atom and is the interatomic distance (expressed in Ångström Å) of atom i and atom j.
· Katritzky,
A. R.; Mu L.; Lobanov, V. S.; Karelson, M. Correlation of Boiling Points with
Molecular Structure. 1. A Training Set of 298 Diverse Organics and a Test Set
of 9 Simple Inorganics. J. Phys. Chem.
1996, 100, 10400-10407
· TodCon,
page 412
G_2 (incl. H) is a descriptor of the category 'geometrical'.
Notation in text:
The sum runs over all edges of a molecular graph containing H atoms.
where is the average weight of atom and is the interatomic distance (expressed in Ångström Å) of atom i and atom j.
· Katritzky,
A. R.; Mu L.; Lobanov, V. S.; Karelson, M. Correlation of Boiling Points with
Molecular Structure. 1. A Training Set of 298 Diverse Organics and a Test Set
of 9 Simple Inorganics. J. Phys. Chem.
1996, 100, 10400-10407
· TodCon,
page 412
Z is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms in the H-suppressed molecular graph and is the number of sets of mutually non-adjacent edges. , .
· Hosoya,
H. Topological Index. A Newly Proposed Quantity Characterizing the Topological
Nature of Structural Isomers of Saturated Hydrocarbons. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1971,
44, 2332-2339
· TodCon, page 215
· Trin,
page 132
IC_0, IC_1, IC_2, TIC_0, TIC_1, TIC_2, CIC_0, CIC_1, CIC_2, N*CIC_0, N*CIC_1, N*CIC_2, SIC_0, SIC_1, SIC_2, N*SIC_0, N*SIC_1, N*SIC_2, BIC_0, BIC_1, BIC_2, N*BIC_0, N*BIC_1 and N*BIC_2 are descriptors of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
For calculating these descriptors a molecular graph inclusive H atoms is considered.
atom is characterized by itself and its neighbours. Here the characterization
of the ith atom itself depends on the atom number and on the number of
bonding electron pairs (without H atoms). The
characterization of the neighbourhood depends on the depth of the neighbourhood
(e.g. for the next
neighbours) and the characterization of the connected atoms and their bond multiplicities:
To calculate only the
characterization of the atoms is needed: C1, C2, C3,
C4, C5 are C-atoms and have all
with is the number of atoms and is the number of bonds.
Basak, S. C. Information Theoretic Indices of
Neighborhood Complexity and Their Applications, chapter 12 in Topological Indices and Related Descripors
in QSAR and QSPR (Devillers, J.; Balaban, A. T., Eds.) Gordon and Breach,
· Basak, S. C. Use of Molecular Complexity Indices in Predictive Pharmacology and Toxicology: A QSAR Approach. Med. Sci. Res. 1987, 15, 605-609
Basak, S. C.; Gute, B. D. Characterization of Molecular
Structures Using Topological Indices. SAR
QSAR Environ. Res. 1997, 7, 1-21
TIC_0 see 101.
CIC_0 see 101.
N*CIC_0 see 101.
SIC_0 see 101.
N*SIC_0 see 101.
BIC_0 see 101.
N*BIC_0 see 101.
IC_1 see 101.
TIC_1 see 101.
CIC_1 see 101.
N*CIC_1 see 101.
SIC_1 see 101.
N*SIC_1 see 101.
BIC_1 see 101.
N*BIC_1 see 101.
IC_2 see 101.
TIC_2 see 101.
CIC_2 see 101.
N*CIC_2 see 101.
SIC_2 see 101.
N*SIC_2 see 101.
BIC_2 see 101.
N*BIC_2 see 101.
MSD is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The sums run over all atoms of an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the number of non-H atoms and is the entry in the ith row and the jth column of the distance matrix.
For see 0 and for see distance matrix.
· Balaban,
A. T. Topological Indices Based on Topological Distances in Molecular Graphs. Pure Appl. Chem. 1983, 55, 199-206
· TodCon,
page 113 (The formula given there is incorrect.)
w is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The sums run over all atoms of an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the number of non-H atoms and is the entry in the ith row and the jth column of the detour matrix.
For see 0 and for see detour matrix.
Ivanciuc, O.; Balaban, A. T. Design of Topological
Indices. Part 8. Path Matrices and Derived Molecular Graph Invariants. MATCH – Commun. Math. Comp. Chem. 1994, 30, 141-152
· Amić, D.; Trinajstić, N. On the Detour Matrix. Croat. Chem. Acta. 1995, 68, 53-62
· Lukovits, I. The Detour Index. Croat. Chem. Acta 1996, 69, 873-882
· Lukovits,
· TodCon, page 103
w (incl. half diag.) is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The sums run over all atoms of an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the number of non-H atoms and is the entry in the ith row and the jth column of the detour matrix containing diagonal elements .
For see 0 and for see detour matrix.
Rücker, G.; Rücker, C. Symmetry-Aided Computation of the Detour Matrix and the Detour Index. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1998, 38, 710-714
P_acyc, 2^P_acyc, 3^P_acyc, 4^P_acyc, 5^P_acyc, 6^P_acyc, 7^P_acyc, 8^P_acyc, 9^P_acyc and higher are descriptors of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text: , , , , , , , ,
where is the number of paths of length in the H-suppressed molecular graph without counting any closed paths (rings). is the maximum length of all unclosed paths.
· Randić, M.; Brissey, G. M.; Spencer, R. B.; Wilkins, C. L. Search for All Self-Avoiding Paths for Molecular Graphs. Comput. & Chem. 1979, 3, 5-13
· Randić, M. Characterization of Atoms, Molecules, and Classes of Molecules Based on Paths Enumeration. MATCH – Commun. Math. Comp. Chem. 1979, 7, 5-64
· TodCon,
page 344
9^P_acyc and higher see
P, 2^P, 3^P, 4^P, 5^P, 6^P, 7^P, 8^P, 9^P and higher are descriptors of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text: , , , , , , , ,
where is the number of paths
of length in the H-suppressed
molecular graph including closed paths (rings). is the maximum length
of all paths.
· Randić, M.; Brissey, G. M.; Spencer, R. B.; Wilkins, C. L. Search for All Self-Avoiding Paths for Molecular Graphs. Comput. & Chem. 1979, 3, 5-13
· Randić, M. Characterization of Atoms, Molecules, and Classes of Molecules Based on Paths Enumeration. MATCH – Commun. Math. Comp. Chem. 1979, 7, 5-64
· TodCon,
page 344
9^P and higher see
rings, 3^rings, 4^rings, 5^rings, 6^rings, 7^rings, 8^rings, 9^rings and higher are descriptors of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text: , , , , , , ,
where is the number of rings
of length (size) in the H-suppressed molecular
graph. is the maximum size of
all rings.
· TodCon,
page 94
9^rings and higher see
I_A, I_B, I_C are
descriptors of the category 'geometrical'.
Notation in text: , ,
, and are the three
principal moments of inertia of the molecule with .
· TodCon,
page 352
I_B see 154.
I_C see 154.
ch. G_1, ch. G_2, ch. G_3, ch. G_4, ch. G_5, ch. G_6, ch. G_7, ch. G_8 are descriptors of the category 'topological’.
Notation in text: , , , , , , ,
The sums run over all atoms in an H-suppressed molecular graph.
where is the charge term matrix, is the number of atoms, is the distance from atom to atom , , and is the Kronecker delta:
For see 0, for see distanc matrix, for see charge term matrix.
· Gálvez,
J.; Garcìa, R.; Salabert, M. T.; Soler, R. Charge Indexes. New Topologcal
Descriptors. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.
1994, 34, 520-525
· Gálvez
, J.; Garcìa-Domenech, R.; De Julián-Ortiz, V.; Soler, R. Topological Approach
to Drug Design. J. Chem. Inf. Comput.
Sci. 1995, 35, 272-284
· TodCon, pages 445-446
ch. J_1, ch. J_2, ch. J_3, ch. J_4, ch. J_5, ch. J_6, ch. J_7, ch. J_8 and ch. J [5] are descriptors of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text: , , , , , , , ,
, mean topological charge index
, global topological charge index
where is the number of atoms, , and is the topological charge index of order .
· Gálvez,
J.; Garcìa, R.; Salabert, M. T.; Soler, R. Charge Indexes. New Topologcal
Descriptors. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.
1994, 34, 520-525
· Gálvez
, J.; Garcìa-Domenech, R.; De Julián-Ortiz, V.; Soler, R. Topological Approach
to Drug Design. J. Chem. Inf. Comput.
Sci. 1995, 35, 272-284
· TodCon, pages 445-446
ch. J [5] see 165-172.
slog P is a descriptor of the category 'miscellaneous'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms of Crippen type , is an increment for the hydrophobicity of atom type . Structure-based types are attributed to atoms using a special table.
· Wildman,
S. A.; Crippen, G. M. Prediction of Physicochemical Parameters by Atomic
Contributions J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.
1999, 39, 868-873
sMR is a desriptor of the category 'miscellaneous'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of atoms
of Crippen type , is an increment for
the molar refractivity of atom type . Structure-based types are attributed to atoms using a
special table.
· Wildman,
S. A.; Crippen, G. M. Prediction of Physicochemical Parameters by Atomic
Contributions J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.
1999, 39, 868-873
st. energy is a descriptor of the category 'geometrical'.
Notation in text:
This is the steric energy, as calculated by molecular
mechanics in MOLGEN.
D is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is the short name of the topological diameter:
where is the number of atoms in the H-suppressed molecular graph and is an entry in the distance matrix.
For see 0 and for see distance matrix.
· TodCon,
page 112
at C01- at C27, at H01- at H04, at O01- at O12, at N01- at N14, at Hal, at Cl, at Br, at I, at F, at P, at S01- at S03, at Me01, at Me02 are descriptors of the category 'miscellaneous'.
Notation in text: , , …, , …,
· Wildman,
S. ; Crippen, G. M. A. Prediction of Physicochemical Parameters by Atomic
Contributions J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci.
1999, 39, 868-873
0-8^K is a descriptor of the category 'overall'.
Notation in text:
where is the number of subgraphs of edges.
For see 247-255.
· Bonchev, D. Novel Indices for the Topological Complexity of Molecules. SAR QSAR Environ. Res. 1997, 7, 23-43
· Rücker,
G.; Rücker, C. Automatic Enumeration of All Connected Subgraphs. MATCH – Commun. Math. Comp. Chem. 2000, 41, 145-149
0^K, 1^K, 2^K, 3^K, 4^K, 5^K, 6^K, 7^K and 8^K are descriptors of the category 'overall'.
Notation in text: , , …,
where is the H-suppressed molecular graph.
· Bonchev, D. Novel Indices for the Topological Complexity of Molecules. SAR QSAR Environ. Res. 1997, 7, 23-43
· Rücker,
G.; Rücker, C. Automatic Enumeration of All Connected Subgraphs. MATCH – Commun. Math. Comp. Chem. 2000, 41, 145-149
Xi^c is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
where is the maximum entry in the ith line of the distance matrix. is the vertex degree of atom .
For see vertex degree, for see eccentricity.
· Sharma,
V.; Goswami, R.; Madan, A. K. Eccentric Conectivity Index: A Novel Highly
Discriminating Topological Descriptor for Structure-Property and
Structure-Activity Studies J. Chem. Inf.
Comput. Sci. 1997, 37, 273-282
· TodCon, page 124
lambda_1^A is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is the principal eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix .
For see adjacency matrix.
· TodCon,
page 131
SCA1, SCA2 and SCA3 are descriptors of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text: , ,
The sum runs over all atoms of an H-suppressed molecule:
where is the number of atoms, is the ith coefficient of the eigenvector of the principal eigenvalue of . All coefficients in a principle eigenvector have the same sign, here always the positive sign is assumed.
The descriptors SCR2 and SCR3 are calculated analogously to VEA in TodCon, page 132.
For see adjacency matrix.
· Rücker,
G.; Rücker, C.; Gutman, I. On Kites, Comets, and Stars. Sums of Eigenvector
Coefficients in (Molecular) Graphs. Z. Naturforsch.
A 2002, 57a, 143-153
SCA2 see SCA1.
SCA3 see SCA1.
lambda_1^D is descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is the principal eigenvalue of the distance matrix .
For see distance matrix.
· Schultz,
H. P.; Schultz, E. B.; Schultz, T. P. Topological Organic Chemistry. 2. Graph
Theory, Matrix Determinants and Eigenvalues, and Topological Indices of
Alkanes. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1990, 30, 27-29
· TodCon,
page 134
cha is a descriptor of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text:
is the charge of the molecule.
n_rad is a descriptor of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text:
is the number of
radical sites in a molecule.
Chi_T is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
The product runs over all atoms of an H-suppressed molecular graph.
where is the vertex degree
of atom . is the number of atoms.
For see vertex degree, for see 0.
· TodCon,
page 86
T_m is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is the number of methyl groups in a molecular graph with H atoms.
T_3 is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
is the number of pairs of methyl groups at distance 3.
For see 0 and for see distance matrix.
HBD is a descriptor of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text:
is the number of H
atoms attached to O and N atoms, in accord with the ACD definition.
· STNotes 2002, 28, 3
· TodCon, page 221-222
HBA is a descriptor of the category 'arithmetic'.
Notation in text:
is the number of N and O atoms, in accord with the ACD definition.
· STNotes 2002, 28, 3
· TodCon, page 221-222
FRB is a descriptor of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text:
· Veber, D. F.; Johnson, S. R.; Cheng, H.-Y.; Smith, B. R.; Ward, K. W.; Kopple, K. D. Molecular Properties that Influence the Oral Bioavailability of Drug Candidates. J. Med. Chem. 2002, 45, 2615-2623
· TodCon,
page 178
SHDW1, SHDW2 , SHDW3, SHDW4, SHDW5, SHDW6, SHDW1/ SHDW2, SHDW1/ SHDW3, SHDW2/ SHDW3, ssSHDW1, ssSHDW2 , ssSHDW3, ssSHDW4, ssSHDW5, ssSHDW6, ssSHDW1/ SHDW2, ssSHDW1/ SHDW3, ssSHDW2/ SHDW3 are descriptors of the category 'geometrical'.
Notation in text: , , , …, , …, ,
where , and are the principle axes of inertia of the molecule (incl. H atoms). Each atom is projected using its vdw radius.
where , and are the maximum dimension of the molecular surface in , and direction using vdw radii.
· Jurs,
P. C.; Hasan, M. N.; Hansen, P. J.; Rohrbaugh, R. H. Prediction of Physicochemical
Properties of Organic Compounds from Molecular Structure, pages 209-233 in Physical Property Prediction (Jochum,
C., Ed.) Springer,
· Rohrbaugh, R. H.; Jurs, P. C. Description of Molecular Shape Applied in Studies of Structure/Activity and Structure/Property Relationships Anal. Chim. Acta 1987, 199, 99-109
· Rohrbaugh,
R. H.; Jurs, P. C. Molecular Shape and the Prediction of HPLC Retention Indexes
of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Anal.
Chem. 1987, 59, 1048-1054
· TodCon, page 389
where is the largest value, is the second largest value, and is the smallest value of . stands for size-sorted.
, and span the respective plane of projection.
· TodCon, page 389
SHDW2 see 270.
SHDW3 see 270.
SHDW4 see 270.
SHDW5 see 270.
SHDW6 see 270.
SHDW1/SHDW2 see 270.
SHDW1/SHDW3 see 270.
SHDW2/SHDW3 see 270.
ssSHDW1 see 270.
ssSHDW2 see 270.
ssSHDW3 see 270.
ssSHDW4 see 270.
ssSHDW5 see 270.
ssSHDW6 see 270.
ssSHDW1/SHDW2 see 270.
ssSHDW1/SHDW3 see 270.
ssSHDW2/SHDW3 see 270.
V_vdw, density_vdw, V_vdw^s, V_cub are descriptors of the category 'geometrical'.
Notation in text: , , ,
, , and are calculated for molecules including H atoms.
where , and are the maximum dimensions of the molecular surface in , and direction by using , where , and are the principle axes of inertia of the molecule (incl. H atoms).
· TodCon, page 326
rho_vdw see 288.
V_vdw^s see 288.
V_cub see 288.
S(atomic subgraph) are descriptors of the category 'electrotopol./AI’;
e.g. S(sCH3) for subgraph: -CH3.
Notation in text: , …
is the sum of electrotopological state values of all subgraphs.
The S(sCH3) is descriptor 292. Here is the list of all E-state descriptors from 292 to 371:
292 |
S(sCH3) |
312 |
S(sssNH) |
332 |
S(aaS) |
352 |
S(ssSiH2) |
293 |
S(dCH2) |
313 |
S(dsN) |
333 |
S(dssS) |
353 |
S(sssSiH) |
294 |
S(ssCH2) |
314 |
S(aaN) |
334 |
S(ddssS) |
354 |
S(ssssSi) |
295 |
S(tCH) |
315 |
S(sssN) |
335 |
S(ssssssS) |
355 |
S(sGeH3) |
296 |
S(dsCH) |
316 |
S(ddsN) |
336 |
S(sCl) |
356 |
S(ssGeH2) |
297 |
S(aaCH) |
317 |
S(aasN) |
337 |
S(sSeH) |
357 |
S(sssGeH) |
298 |
S(sssCH) |
318 |
S(ssssN) |
338 |
S(dSe) |
358 |
S(ssssGe) |
299 |
S(ddC) |
319 |
S(sOH) |
339 |
S(ssSe) |
359 |
S(sAsH2) |
300 |
S(tsC) |
320 |
S(dO) |
340 |
S(aaSe) |
360 |
S(ssAsH) |
301 |
S(dssC) |
321 |
S(ssO) |
341 |
S(dssSe) |
361 |
S(sssAs) |
302 |
S(aasC) |
322 |
S(aaO) |
342 |
S(ddssSe) |
362 |
S(sssdAs) |
303 |
S(aaaC) |
323 |
S(sF) |
343 |
S(sBr) |
363 |
S(sssssAs) |
304 |
S(ssssC) |
324 |
S(sPH2) |
344 |
S(sI) |
364 |
S(sSnH3) |
305 |
S(sNH3) |
325 |
S(ssPH) |
345 |
S(sLi) |
365 |
S(ssSnH2) |
306 |
S(sNH2) |
326 |
S(sssP) |
346 |
S(ssBe) |
366 |
S(sssSnH) |
307 |
S(ssNH2) |
327 |
S(dsssP) |
347 |
S(ssssBe) |
367 |
S(ssssSn) |
308 |
S(dNH) |
328 |
S(sssssP) |
348 |
S(ssBH) |
368 |
S(sPbH3) |
309 |
S(ssNH) |
329 |
S(sSH) |
349 |
S(sssB) |
369 |
S(ssPbH2) |
310 |
S(aaNH) |
330 |
S(dS) |
350 |
S(ssssB) |
370 |
S(sssPbH) |
311 |
S(tN) |
331 |
S(ssS) |
351 |
S(sSiH3) |
371 |
S(ssssPb) |
where s means a single bond, ss two single bonds, d a double bonds, t a triple bond, a an aromatic bond, etc. connected to the specified atom, not counting the single bonds to the attached H atoms. H2 means two attached H atoms.
· Kier,
L. B.; Hall, L. H. Molecular Structure
Description. The
SZD, SZDp are indices of the category 'topological'.
Notation in text: ,
The sums run over an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the number of atoms
in the H-suppressed molecular graph and is the
For see 0 and for see Szeged matrix.
· Khadikar,
P. V.; Deshpande, N.V.; Kale, P. P.; Dobrynin, A.; Gutman, I.; Dömötör, G. The
· Gutman,
I; Klavzar, S. An Algorithm for the Calculation of the
· Zerovnik,
J. Computing the
· Zerovnik,
J. Szeged Index of Symmetric Graphs. J.
Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1999, 39, 77-80
· TodCon,
page 438
SZDp see 372.
S_vdw is a descriptor of the category 'geometrical'.
Notation in text:
is the surface of the molecule by using vdw radii for each atom.
SASA H2O is a descriptor of the category 'geometrical'.
Notation in text:
is the solvent accessible surface of the molecule by using vdw radii and an H2O molecule (r = 1.5Å) as a probe.
SASA H is a descriptor of the category 'geometrical'.
Notation in text:
is the solvent accessible surface of the molecule by using vdw radii and an H atom (r = 1.2Å) as a probe.
AI(atomic subgraph) are descriptors of the category 'electrotopol./AI’;
eg. AI(sCH3) for subgraph: -CH3.
Notation in text: , …
The sums run over an H-suppressed molecular graph:
where is the number of subgraphs, (or ) is the modified vertex degree of atom and is the vertex distance degree of atom .
For the subgraphs considered see 292-371, for see modified vertex degree and for see vertex distance degree.
The AI(sCH3) is descriptor 377. Here is the list of all AI descriptors from 377 to 456:
377 |
AI(sCH3) |
397 |
AI(sssNH) |
417 |
AI(aaS) |
437 |
AI(ssSiH2) |
378 |
AI(dCH2) |
398 |
AI(dsN) |
418 |
AI(dssS) |
438 |
AI(sssSiH) |
379 |
AI(ssCH2) |
399 |
AI(aaN) |
419 |
AI(ddssS) |
439 |
AI(ssssSi) |
380 |
AI(tCH) |
400 |
AI(sssN) |
420 |
AI(ssssssS) |
440 |
AI(sGeH3) |
381 |
AI(dsCH) |
401 |
AI(ddsN) |
421 |
AI(sCl) |
441 |
AI(ssGeH2) |
382 |
AI(aaCH) |
402 |
AI(aasN) |
422 |
AI(sSeH) |
442 |
AI(sssGeH) |
383 |
AI(sssCH) |
403 |
AI(ssssN) |
423 |
AI(dSe) |
443 |
AI(ssssGe) |
384 |
AI(ddC) |
404 |
AI(sOH) |
424 |
AI(ssSe) |
444 |
AI(sAsH2) |
385 |
AI(tsC) |
405 |
AI(dO) |
425 |
AI(aaSe) |
445 |
AI(ssAsH) |
386 |
AI(dssC) |
406 |
AI(ssO) |
426 |
AI(dssSe) |
446 |
AI(sssAs) |
387 |
AI(aasC) |
407 |
AI(aaO) |
427 |
AI(ddssSe) |
447 |
AI(sssdAs) |
388 |
AI(aaaC) |
408 |
AI(sF) |
428 |
AI(sBr) |
448 |
AI(sssssAs) |
389 |
AI(ssssC) |
409 |
AI(sPH2) |
429 |
AI(sI) |
449 |
AI(sSnH3) |
390 |
AI(sNH3) |
410 |
AI(ssPH) |
430 |
AI(sLi) |
450 |
AI(ssSnH2) |
391 |
AI(sNH2) |
411 |
AI(sssP) |
431 |
AI(ssBe) |
451 |
AI(sssSnH) |
392 |
AI(ssNH2) |
412 |
AI(dsssP) |
432 |
AI(ssssBe) |
452 |
AI(ssssSn) |
393 |
AI(dNH) |
413 |
AI(sssssP) |
433 |
AI(ssBH) |
453 |
AI(sPbH3) |
394 |
AI(ssNH) |
414 |
AI(sSH) |
434 |
AI(sssB) |
454 |
AI(ssPbH2) |
395 |
AI(aaNH) |
415 |
AI(dS) |
435 |
AI(ssssB) |
455 |
AI(sssPbH) |
396 |
AI(tN) |
416 |
AI(ssS) |
436 |
AI(sSiH3) |
456 |
AI(ssssPb) |
where s means a single bond, ss two single bonds, d a double bonds, t a triple bond, a an aromatic bond, etc. connected to the specified atom not counting the single bonds to the attached H atoms. H2 means two attached H atoms.
· Ren, B. Novel Atomic-Level-Based AI Topological Descriptors: Application to QSPR/QSAR Modeling. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 2002, 42, 858-868
· Ren, B. Novel Atomic-Level-Based AI Topological Descriptors for Structure-Property Correlations. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 2003, 43, 161-169
· Ren, B. Novel Atom-Type AI Indices for QSPR Studies of Alcohols. Comput. & Chem. 2002, 26, 223-235
· Ren, B. Application of Novel Atom-Type AI Topological Indices to QSPR Studies of Alkanes. Comput. & Chem. 2002, 26, 357-369
Xu, Xu^m are descriptors of the category 'electrotopol./AI'.
Notation in text: ,
The sum runs over all atoms of an H-suppressed molecule:
where is the number of atoms in an H-suppressed molecule, is the vertex degree of the ith atom, is the vertex distance degree of the ith atom. (or ) is the modified vertex degree of atom .
For see 0, for see vertex degree, for see vertex distance degree and for see modified vertex degree.
· Ren,
B. A New Topological Index for QSPR of Alkanes. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1999,
39, 139-143
· TodCon, page 507
Xu^m see 457.
m^Chi_q and m^Chi^v_q are descriptors of the category 'topological'. Substructures are paths, clusters, path-clusters and chains.
Available are:
459 |
3^Chi_p |
469 |
6^Chi_pc |
479 |
4^Chi^v_c |
460 |
4^Chi_p |
470 |
3^Chi_ch |
480 |
5^Chi^v_c |
461 |
5^Chi_p |
471 |
4^Chi_ch |
481 |
6^Chi^v_c |
462 |
6^Chi_p |
472 |
5^Chi_ch |
482 |
4^Chi^v_pc |
463 |
3^Chi_c |
473 |
6^Chi_ch |
483 |
5^Chi^v_pc |
464 |
4^Chi_c |
474 |
3^Chi^v_p |
484 |
6^Chi^v_pc |
465 |
5^Chi_c |
475 |
4^Chi^v_p |
485 |
3^Chi^v_ch |
466 |
6^Chi_c |
476 |
5^Chi^v_p |
486 |
4^Chi^v_ch |
467 |
4^Chi_pc |
477 |
6^Chi^v_p |
487 |
5^Chi^v_ch |
468 |
5^Chi_pc |
478 |
3^Chi^v_c |
488 |
6^Chi^v_ch |
Notation in text: ,
where is the vertex degree and is the valence vertex degree of atom of the subgraph of type in the H-suppressed molecular graph. is the order (this is also called the “size” or “the number of edges”) of the subgraphs considered. means paths, clusters, path-clusters or chains. is the number of subgraphs of type and size . is the number of atoms of the subgraph considered.
Type of subgraphs:
· If a subgraph contains a cycle it is of type chain () for ,
· otherwise if every vertex has one or more than two non-H neighbours it is of type cluster () for ,
· otherwise if every vertex has one or two non-H neighbours it is of type path () for ,
· otherwise it is of type path-cluster () for . So a path-cluster has no cycles but vertices with one, two and more than two non-H neighbours.
For example paths are:
path |
3 |
4 |
5 |
For example chains are:
chain |
3 |
4 |
4 |
For example clusters are:
cluster |
3 |
4 |
5 |
For example path-clusters are:
path-cluster |
4 |
6 |
6 |
For see vertex degree, for see valence vertex degree.
· Kier, L. B.; Hall L. H. The Nature of Structure-Acticity Relationships and their Relation to Molecular Connectivity. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 1977, 12, 307-312
· Kier,
L. B.; Hall L. H. Molecular Connectivity
in Structure-Activity Analysis. Research Studies Press - Wiley,
· TodCon, pages 84-86 and page 314
m^TO, m^TO*, m^TO_q, m^TO*_q, TO, TO*, TO_q, TO*_q are descriptors of the category 'overall'.
Available are:
489 |
542 |
595 |
648 |
490 |
543 |
3^TW |
596 |
649 |
491 |
544 |
597 |
650 |
492 |
545 |
598 |
651 |
493 |
546 |
599 |
652 |
494 |
547 |
600 |
653 |
495 |
548 |
601 |
654 |
496 |
549 |
602 |
TC^v_c |
655 |
497 |
550 |
603 |
656 |
498 |
551 |
604 |
4^TM_1_c |
657 |
499 |
552 |
605 |
658 |
500 |
553 |
606 |
659 |
501 |
554 |
607 |
660 |
502 |
555 |
608 |
661 |
503 |
556 |
609 |
662 |
504 |
557 |
610 |
663 |
6^TC_ch |
505 |
558 |
611 |
664 |
506 |
559 |
612 |
665 |
3^TC*_ch |
507 |
560 |
613 |
666 |
508 |
561 |
614 |
667 |
509 |
562 |
615 |
668 |
510 |
563 |
616 |
669 |
511 |
564 |
617 |
670 |
512 |
565 |
618 |
671 |
513 |
1^TM_1 |
566 |
619 |
672 |
514 |
567 |
620 |
673 |
515 |
3^TM_1 |
568 |
621 |
674 |
516 |
569 |
622 |
675 |
517 |
570 |
623 |
676 |
518 |
571 |
624 |
677 |
519 |
572 |
625 |
678 |
520 |
573 |
626 |
679 |
TM_1_ch |
521 |
574 |
4^TM_2_p |
627 |
680 |
522 |
575 |
628 |
681 |
523 |
576 |
629 |
682 |
524 |
577 |
630 |
683 |
525 |
578 |
631 |
684 |
526 |
579 |
632 |
685 |
527 |
580 |
633 |
5^TC*_pc |
686 |
528 |
581 |
634 |
687 |
529 |
582 |
635 |
688 |
530 |
583 |
636 |
689 |
531 |
584 |
637 |
690 |
532 |
585 |
638 |
691 |
533 |
586 |
639 |
692 |
5^TM_2*_ch |
534 |
587 |
640 |
693 |
535 |
588 |
641 |
694 |
536 |
589 |
642 |
695 |
537 |
590 |
643 |
696 |
538 |
591 |
644 |
697 |
539 |
592 |
645 |
698 |
540 |
TM_2* |
593 |
646 |
699 |
541 |
1^TW |
594 |
4^TC*_c |
647 |
TM_1*pc |
Notation in text: , , , , , , ,
is the overall-index
sign. For the molecule each connected subgraph up to size is constructed. is one of these: M_1
for first