Induced cycle indices Orbit-enumeration in SYMMETRICA The cycle indices of the symmetry groups of platonic solids Linear, affine and projective groups

Linear, affine and projective groups

Let q=pr, where p is a prime, and let GF(q) be a finite field with q elements. The general linear group GLk(q) is the group of all regular k × k matrices over GF(q). It acts on the k-dimensional vector space GF(q)k by the following definition:
GLk(q) × GF(q)k→ GF(q)k        (A,v)↦ A⋅ v.
Furthermore let AFFk(q) be the set {(A,b) | A∈ GLk(q), b∈ GF(q)k}. After defining a composition (A1,b1)(A2,b2) := (A1A2,b1+A1 b2) this group acts as the group of all affine mappings on GF(q)k by the following definition:
AFFk(q) × GF(q)k→ GF(q)k        ((A,b),v)↦ A⋅ v+b.
The cycle indices of these two actions [2] can be computed by  
INT zykelind_glkq(k,q,c)   OP k,q,c;
INT zykelind_affkq(k,q,c)  OP k,q,c;
In both cases k and q are INTEGER objects, k takes the dimension of the vector space, q the cardinality of the finite field. The result c is a POLYNOM object.

The cardinalities of GLk(q) and AFFk(q) can be computed by  

INT ordnung_glkq(k,q,c)    OP k,q,c;
INT ordnung_affkq(k,q,c)   OP k,q,c;
Again k and q are INTEGER objects, k takes the dimension of the vector space, q the cardinality of the finite field. The result c is an INTEGER object.

In [12] Kung gave a very elegant formula to compute the number of matrices in GLk(q) which commute with a block diagonal matrix D(p,λ) associated to a monic, irreducible polynomial p(x)∈ GF(q)[x] and a partition λ, which tells how many companion matrices and hyper-companion matrices of p(x) occur in D(p,λ). The function  

INT kung_formel(d,lambda,q,c)  OP d,lambda,q,c;
computes c (an INTEGER object), which is the number of matrices, which commute with D(p,λ), where d is the degree of the polynomial p(x) (an INTEGER object), lambda is the partition λ (a PARTITION object) and q is the cardinality of the finite field. This formula can be used to determine the number of elements in the conjugacy class of a matrix in GLk(q) given in a normal form.

The function  

INT number_of_irred_poly_of_degree(d,q,c)   OP d,q,c;
computes c (an INTEGER object) to be the number of irreducible, monic polynomials of degree d (an INTEGER object) over a finite field with q (an INTEGER object) elements.

For the enumeration of classes of linear (n,k)-Codes over GF(q) (see [8][6][5]) one has to compute the cycle index of the projective group [2] PGL(k,q) := GF(q)*\\GLk(q) acting on the projective space PG(k-1,q) := GF(q)*\\GF(q)k \ {0}. This group action is given by

PGL(k,q) × PG(k-1,q)→ PG(k-1,q)
(GF(q)*(A),GF(q)*(v))↦ GF(q)*(A⋅ v).
The cycle index of this action can be computed by  
INT zykelind_pglkq(k,q,c)   OP k,q,c;
where k and q are INTEGER objects as above, and c is the computed cycle index a POLYNOM object. In the case q=2 the cycle index of PGL(k,2) can be computed by
as well.

It is also possible to define linear and affine groups for k-dimensional modules over residue-class-rings Zn := Z/nZ. At the moment the following two routines are just working for square free INTEGERs n.  

INT zykelind_glkzn(k,n,c)   OP k,n,c;
INT zykelind_affkzn(k,n,c)  OP k,n,c;
In both cases k is the dimension of the module, n is the square free modulus (both are INTEGER objects) and c is the computed cycle index.

In the case k=1 Wei and Xu computed the cycle index of AFF1(n) in [17] for arbitrary n. This formula is implemented in  

INT zykelind_aff1zn(n,c)  OP k,n,c;
n is the modulus (an INTEGER object) and c is the computed cycle index.
harald.fripertinger "at", May 26, 2011

Induced cycle indices Orbit-enumeration in SYMMETRICA The cycle indices of the symmetry groups of platonic solids Uni-Graz Mathematik Linear, affine and projective groups Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!