Prelinear equationsKnown results and open problemsDerivations of higher orderCommutativity of additive functions and rational functions

Commutativity of additive functions and rational functions

For given fields K and bar (K) with a common subfield F all the additive (or more general, all F-linear) functions f:K -> bar (K) which fulfill a functional equation of the form
if both sides are defined, and (
)ÎGL2(K) and (
)ÎGL2(bar (K)), were determined by F. Halter-Koch and L. Reich ([19]). Under weak assumptions on the characteristic of F and on the cardinality of F it can be proved that in the "generic case" f must be a field monomorphism. This result can be seen as a generalization of a well known theorem by Hua (cf. [8] Chapter 11, Theorem 1.3). Later on the Möbius transformations were replaced by more general classes of rational functions. (Cf. [20][21]).

It is an interesting task to investigate this functional equation (and the expected characterization of field monomorphisms) in the situation K=bar (K)=R or K=bar (K)=C by applying analytic methods, especially theorems similar to Ostrowski's theorem (on additive functions). By doing this we will try to enlarge the class of rational functions as far as possible.,
last changed: February 9, 2001

Prelinear equationsKnown results and open problemsDerivations of higher orderCommutativity of additive functions and rational functions