A multi-dimensional cycle index Top Some cycle indices Some counting problems

Some counting problems

In his invited lecture "Chemical Isomerism, a Challenge for Algebraic Combinatorics and for Computer Science" at the AAECC-11 A. Kerber [4] said:

[...] The existence of chemical isomerism was stated by the end of the eighteenth century, it was verified a quarter of a century later and explained another half of a century afterwards. It stimulated the development of graph theory and gave birth to algebraic combinatorics. [...]

The most famous starting point for enumeration under group action is [17] in which Pólya not only describes cycle index techniques for determining the numbers of orbits under finite group actions, but he demonstrates how to apply these methods for the chemical problem of isomer enumeration as well.

A multi-dimensional cycle index Top Some cycle indices Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online Some counting problems Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!