Some further fullerenes The Leapfrog principle

The Leapfrog principle

Finally let me describe the so called leapfrog principle, which was invented by Fowler [6][9]. It can be used for the construction of a fullerene C3v from a fullerene Cv having the same or even a bigger symmetry group than Cv. In general the leapfrog transformation can be defined for any polyhedron P as capping all the faces of P and switching to the dual of the result. The leapfrog L(P) is always a trivalent polyhedron having 2eP vertices, vP+fP faces and 3eP edges, where vP, fP and eP are the numbers of vertices, faces and edges of the parent P. When starting from a trivalent parent, the leapfrog has always 3vP vertices. If we are starting with a Cv cluster with icosahedral symmetry all the new clusters will be of the same symmetry, since this is the biggest symmetry group in 3-dimensional space.

Knowing the 3-dimensional cycle indices of both S and R acting on the sets of vertices, edges and faces of a fullerene Cv and using some facts from representation theory it is possible to determine the 3-dimensional cycle index for the action on C3v. More general for trivalent polyhedra or for deltahedra the 3-dimensional cycle indices of S and the rotational subgroup R of the leapfrog can be computed from the 3-dimensional cycle indices of S and R on the parent.

From [7][8] we know that the permutation characters for the actions on the sets of faces, vertices and edges of the leapfrog L can be computed from the permutation characters of the parent P by

χf,L(g)=χv,P(g)+χf,P(g) ..
χv,L(g)=χe,P(g)+χf,P(g)+χv,P(g) χε(g)-(1+ χε(g)) ..
χe,L(g)=χf,L(g)χT(g)-(χT(g)+χR(g)) ..
So we have expressed the permutation characters for the action on the components of the leapfrog in the permutation characters of the components of the parent and in χ0, χε and χT, where χ0 is the totally symmetric character given by χ0(g)=1 for all g∈ G, χε is the antisymmetric character which takes the values +1 for all proper rotations and -1 for all improper rotations. Furthermore χT is the translational character, and χR is given by χRTχε. Since we usually know the cycle indices both for the group of all symmetries and the subgroup of all rotational symmetries we can assume that the antisymmetric character is known. Only for computing χe,L we furthermore have to compute the translational character. In some cases however we already get all the necessary information from the 3-dimensional cycle index for the action on the parent P. For instance in the case that P is a trivalent polyhedron (see [5]), we have
such that χe,L can be written as
Furthermore there is a formula that
χv,P(g)χT(g) = (χf,P(g)-χ0(g))χε(g)+ (χv,P(g)-χ0(g)) +χe,P(g). ..
So finally we get
χe,L(g)=2χe,P(g)+(χf,P(g)-χ0(g)) χε(g)+ (χv,P(g)-χ0(g)). ..
Similar formulae hold when P is a deltahedron.

Using some standard methods we can compute the cycle type of g∈ G from the permutation character and vice versa by

ak(g)=d | kμ(k/d)a1(gd)        a1(gk)=d | k ad(g). ..

In order to give an example we realize that C60 is the leapfrog of C20 which is of . of icosahedral symmetry Ih as well. In [10] you can find the following 3-dimensional cycle indices for the actions on the components of C20 (which corresponds to the pentagonal dodecahedron).

Z3(I,C20)=(1)/(60)( v120e130f112 + 20v12v36e310f34 + 15v210e12e214f26 + 24v54e56f12f52) ..
Z3(Ih,C20)= (1)/(2) Z3(I,C20) + (1)/(120) ( v210e215f26 + 20v2v63e65f62 + 15v14v28e14e213f14f24 + 24v102e103f2f10)...
Applying the formulae above we get the 3-dimensional cycle indices of section *. Iterating the leapfrog method once more we derive the 3-dimensional cycle index of C180 as
Z3(I,C180)=(1)/(60)( v1180e1270f192+ 20 v360e390f12f330+ 15 v290e12e2134f246+ 24 v536e554f12f518 ) ..
Z3(Ih,C180)= (1)/(2) Z3(I,C180) + (1)/(120) ( v290e2135f246+ 20 v630e645f2f615+ 15 v112v284e112e2129 f112f240+ 24 v1018e1027f2f109 ). ..

In order to compute the number of essentially different colourings of C3v it is necessary to compute the 3-dimensional cycle index for C3v. Only for the determination of the number of different colourings of the faces of C3v with k colours the 3-dimensional cycle index of Cv will do the job in the following way. Replace all the indeterminates in this cycle index corresponding to the action on the sets of vertices and faces of Cv by k and all the indeterminates corresponding to the action on the edges by 1, then the expansion of this cycle index gives the number of different colourings of the faces of C3v. For example the number of essentially different simultaneous colourings of C20 with 2 colours for the vertices, 1 colour for the edges and 2 colours for the faces is computed as

Z3(C20,Ih, vi=2, ei=1, fi=2)=35 931 952,..
which is the number of different colourings of the faces of C60 with 2 colours (cf. table). Please take care that this number is not the product of the numbers of different colourings of the vertices and faces of C20 with 2 colours. (These two numbers are given as 9 436 and 82 respectively.)

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