Cycle indices of the symmetry groups of fullerenes Some numerical examples using SYMMETRICA Generators of the symmetry groups of fullerenes

Generators of the symmetry groups of fullerenes

Now we can compute the generators of the symmetry groups of some fullerenes.
Please determine which group is acting? Where does this group act on? Which fullerene Cv to investigate. (Please enter only even v such that 24≤ v≤ 60, or v=20,70,80.) For v=40 or v=44 you further have to specify whether to use the D or T symmetry.


For starting computation, press the button .

harald.fripertinger "at", May 10, 2016

Cycle indices of the symmetry groups of fullerenes Some numerical examples using SYMMETRICA Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online Generators of the symmetry groups of fullerenes Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!