Numbers of monomially non-isometric subspaces of F811 Numbers of monomially non-isometric subspaces of F8n Numbers of monomially non-isometric subspaces of F89 Numbers of monomially non-isometric subspaces of F810

Numbers of monomially non-isometric subspaces of F810

Dimension Numbers
0, 10 1
1, 9 10
2, 8 255
3, 7 151035
4, 6 41324116
5 307.987711

harald.fripertinger "at", May 10, 2016

Numbers of monomially non-isometric subspaces of F811 Numbers of monomially non-isometric subspaces of F8n Numbers of monomially non-isometric subspaces of F89 Uni-Graz Mathematik UNIGRAZ online Numbers of monomially non-isometric subspaces of F810 Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional Valid CSS!