
synopsis: INT m_perm_schubert_monom_summe(OP a,b)


this routine computes the double schubert monomial coreesponding to the PERMUTATION object a which labeles the Schubert polynomial, the output is the POLYNOM object b. The self part of this POLYNOM object is to be interpreted as follows: position 0 is the exponent of the factor (x_1 - y_1) position 1 is the exponent of the factor (x_1 - y_2) position 2 is the exponent of the factor (x_2 - y_1) position 3 is the exponent of the factor (x_1 - y_3) position 4 is the exponent of the factor (x_2 - y_2) position 5 is the exponent of the factor (x_3 - y_1) ... as an example look at the output of the permutation 2 3 4 1 it is the polynomial 1 [1,0,1,0,0,1] this is the product (x_1 - y_1)(x_2 - y_1)(x_3 - y_1)

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