
synopsis: INT insert_list(OP element, list


inserts the element into the LIST object list. The second parameter list must be a LIST object. There is no test, whether it is a LIST object. This routine is called by the general routine insert(), which has the same syntax. compfunction is the function for the comparision of the element to insert and the objects, which are already in the list. The list is assumed to be ordered in increasing order. The compfunction is called with two arguments, the element and s_l_s(actual position). The return value is <0 , 0 , >0 like the standard routine comp(). The function eqhandle is called when the element is already in the list. (i.e. comparsion gives 0) It is called with two arguments the element and s_l_s(actual position). If after the call of eqhandle the entry in the list is the empty object, it means that the entry was deleted, this entry is removed from the list. (e.g. cancellation in a polynomial) In the case the first parameter element is a LIST object this routine is a merge of two lists. In general it is not good to delete an element which was inserted into list, because this destroys the list, since it generates a hole in the list. If you call insert with NULL for the two functionpointer, you use the standard comparsion comp(), and no insertion in the case of comp()=0

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